Fall Fashion Series - Enzo Costa Black Midi Dress

Fall Fashion Series - Enza Costa Cashmere Cuffed Back Drape Dress

October 9th, 2018, Posted by travelwith2ofus

The Enzo Costa Midi Dress rests at the intersection of business and pleasure. This black snug fit is made for the lady who knows she is bossing it. The classy midi is a Rodeo-drive material made from a high-quality cotton and cashmere blend.

The drape knot detail at the back shows off a peek of skin. The rib cuffs with the thumb holes put it well in place, which makes it a perfect piece to wear as a dinner dress. It's also stylish enough to wear on an evening out with your girls. Don't you think so?

The cadet shade makes it easy to pair with a wide range of your favorite shoe. However, it is only available in small and medium sizes.

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Enza Costa Cashmere Cuffed Back Drape Dress

Enza Costa Cashmere Cuffed Back Drape Dress

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